2024 Theta Delta Chi Board Member Application

This form is to be used for candidates interested in the open Grand Lodge positions and/or the open Educational Foundation positions.

Annually, the Convention floor elects two at-large E.F. Directors for one-year terms.

The Convention floor also elects either four or five members to the Grand Lodge based on the election cycle. At the 177th Convention, the four open positions will be two Undergraduate at Large members, a Graduate Treasurer, and an Executive Member. Interest in Grand Lodge postions must be made by Friday August 2nd at 6:00 PM ET.

Your completed form showing interest in the E.F. Directors openings will be shared with Brother Jeff Horton, Nu Triton ’90, EF President and head of the E.F. Nominating Committee.

Completed forms showing interest in the G.L. openings will be shared with the Nominating Committee. This committee comprises five undergraduate members and four alumni members as prescribed in the By-laws. An interview with the Nominating Committee is required; you will be contacted to select a time.

Elections for either board will be held at the Second General Business session on August 3rd.

Name (First and Last) *
Charge Affiliation & Delegation (Class Year) e.g., Epsilon '84 *
Email *
Cell Phone Number
Prior Board Member, Volunteer and/or Leadership Experience
I am interested in the open positions on the... *

Grand Lodge Candidates Only

Applications must be submitted by August 2 at 6:00 PM ET. Elections are at the Second General Business Session on Saturday, August 3, 2024.

Article X Section 8 (e) Any candidate for a Grand Lodge office at the Annual Convention must give notification of his intention to stand for election to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee no later than 6 PM on the day preceding the election and must appear before the Nominating Committee before the Committee makes its report to the Convention.

Any question

What Grand Lodge positions are you running for? (select all that apply)

Please select the one that you feel matches your vision of the future of Theta Delta Chi.
Below are the four strategic statements of the Grand Lodge.

Why did you choose this option and do you have any ideas that align with accomplishing it? Please explain.
How do you see yourself engaging with the board and the Central Fraternity Office to ensure you are actively participating and remain knowledgeable?
Identify cultural issues that you see impacting your Charge, your campus Greek community, and/or the International Fraternity, select one of those issues and share with us how you would address it. Be specific.
I understand that if I am elected to the Grand Lodge, I will attend the monthly Grand Lodge teleconference meetings, the annual Mid-Winter Meetings (held in March), Conventions (held in July or August), and other Fraternity events and ceremonies requiring
Grand Lodge participation as stipulated in the Theta Delta Chi Constitution, By-Laws, and the Standing Rules of the Grand Lodge. I have read and understand the Board Member Agreement & the listed specific duties for the position(s) I have applied for.